If Jesus had social media, what would it look like? What would He have for a profile picture? Would He use filters? What would He say, share, post and like? How much time would He spend on it? These are questions I asked myself when my 13 month old woke me up at 12:30 a.m.
It has amazed me that we have such fast access to photos and online information. Our cell phones have replaced alarm clocks, computers, planners, maps and address books. If Jesus had a cell phone and social media, would He be on it all of the time? Cell phones have replaced so many things in our lives, but has it replaced our face-to-face conversations? The things that trend on Twitter get attention. What would Jesus have as His Twitter handle? Perhaps it would be, "@theone" or "@thetruth." Would Jesus spend countless hours tweeting His message, or would he go door-to-door to spread His message? #believe #fourmarks #oneholycatholicapostolic #evangelization #roman #catholic #theway #thetruth #thelife Personally, I think He may have used both methods. There is nothing wrong with social media and the use of technology to spread the Gospel message, so long as it is done in moderation and it doesn't replace the human contact. Last week, I was honored to be a guest at the Priests for Life headquarters where I saw their TV studio and used their broadcasting studio for a live broadcast with Janet Morana, the Executive Director, over Ave Maria Radio. Priests for Life streams a daily feed from the Grotto in Lourdes, France with an audio Rosary. They also have near-daily videos from Fr. Frank Pavone, the founder and National Director. Not only does Priests for Life tap into major technology advantages, but they come together for meals, fellowship and prayer on a frequent basis. This organization certainly maintains the balance of technology and human contact. I have to believe that Jesus would have done the same. So, what do you think would happen if Jesus had social media? Perhaps he already does. He uses you, doesn't He? Do you use your social media accounts to proclaim the Good News? 11/4/2019 07:52:04 pm
If Jesus has social media, I think more millennials would have the desire to connect with them. We all know the kids of this generation; the trend will always be cool for them that's why if Jesus has his Facebook and Twitter account, they would follow Him there. Bu honestly, He doesn't need it. If the only reason why He should have it is for Him to connect with the people, it wouldn't be necessary. He has his own ways of touching our lives, as well as our hearts that's why Jesus is better off without social media accounts. Comments are closed.
December 2023